Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Stuffed Bell Pepper and Tsukune Soup

I cooked stuffed bell pepper for dinner.
stuffed bell pepper

When I cooked it, I minced too much chicken meat. So I decided to make another meal by using the remainder.
I made Tsukune soup, which is Japanese chicken meatball soup.
Tsukune soup

These both tasted good!

stuffed bell pepper

1/2 minced onion
2 bell peppers (cut a bell pepper in half)
1/2 pound of minced chicken
a little salt and black pepper
2 teaspoons of consomme powder
2 tablespoons of olive oil
100 cc of water
4 tablespoons of grated cheese

1. Mix onion, minced chicken, salt, black pepper and consomme powder.

2. Fill bell peppers with the mixture from step 1.

3. Heat olive oil in pan over high heat. Fry the bell pepper filled side down until browned.
    Then, turn them over and pour water into pan. Cover and turn down the heat.

4. Fry until meat is cooked. Then, turn off the heat and cover meat with cheese. Keep the lid covered until cheese has melted.

5. Put basil leaves on them if you like.

      This is my entries related to my favorite recipe.

      This is my entries related to cooking.

 Today's Vocabulary
・ mince : verb / ミンチにする、細かく刻む
  ex) Mince an onion. 玉葱をみじん切りにする。
・ remainder : 残り、余り
  ex) He is canceling the reminder of this trip. 彼は残りの旅行日程はキャンセルします。
・ cut ~ in half : ~を半分に切る
・ grate : verb / 摩り下ろす ( Pronunciation is gre'it )
      ex) grated cheese : 粉チーズ、摩り下ろしたチーズ ( Pronunciation is jee-rey-tid )
            grated lemon peel : 摩り下ろしたレモンの皮
・ heat ~ over high heat : 強火で~を熱する
      ex)   over low heat : 弱火で
              over medium heat : 中火で
・ ~ side down : ~面を下にして
      ex) butter side down : バターを塗った面を下にして
            sunny-side down : 黄身の側を下にした(両面焼きの目玉焼き)
            seam-side down : 閉じ目を下にして ( seam : noun / 縫い目、綴じ目 Pronunciation is si'ːm )
・ turn over : phrasal verb / ひっくり返す
・ until ~ is cooked : ~に火が通るまで
      ex) until meat is cooked 肉に火が通るまで
            until fish is cooked 魚に火が通るまで
            until both sides look cooked 両面に焼き目がつくまで
・ cover - with ~ : ~で-を覆う
      ex) cover meat with cheese チーズで肉を覆う
            cover - with a plastic wrap -にラップをかける
            cover - with the lid  -に蓋をする

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