Monday, December 19, 2011

How to Make Lotion

I periodically make my moisturizing lotion by myself.

I used to buy moisturizing lotion in Japan, but I couldn't find the kind of lotion that I like. Lotions here are rather different than the ones in Japan.
When I came here I initially bought Japanese lotions at Japanese supermarket. It's about three times more expensive than buying it in Japan. Then, I found out that some Japanese people in the U.S. make lotions on their own because of similar reasons.

I have been using lotions that I made for almost two years. Before I tried it out, I couldn't imagine making my own lotion. However, I think my lotions are the best that I've ever used. These are completely free from preservatives, so these are very good for skin.

How to make lotion (55ml)

25 ml of purified water
25 ml of pure aloe vera juice
5 ml of vegetable  based glycerin
small empty bottle/container
Alcohol (70% Isopropyl)

1.  Run small alcohol through the bottle to sterilize.
     Once you have thoroughly applied alcohol in the bottle, drain out the alcohol.

2.  Put purified water, pure aloe vera juice and vegetable glycerin into bottle.
     Then, shake it gently.

3.  It's now finished. Enjoy.
     After washing your face, apply small amount of it on your face. Then, reapply it two or three times.
     Then, apply milky lotion.
     Keep your lotion which you made refrigerated and use it within about two weeks.

Make sure, the lotion is free from preservatives.  When you make the lotion, your hand should be clean. Do not touch the mouth of the bottle when applying and instead pouring it onto your hands. Keep rest of purified water and aloe vera in refrigerator.

 Today's Vocabulary
・ rather : adverb / かなり
・ initially : adverb / 当初は、初め(に)は、
・ on one's own :  自力で、自活で
   ex) It's better for me to be on my own. 私は独りで過ごす方がいい。
     Now, you're on your own. Have fun! さあ、ここからは自力で頑張ってね。
・ preservative : noun / 防腐剤、保存料 (Pronunciation is prizə'ːrvətiv )
・ free from preservatives : 保存料を含まない
・ ingredient : noun / 材料、原料 (Pronunciation is ingri'ːdiənt )
・ purified : adjective / 精製 (Pronunciation is pyoor-uh-fahy )
・ run through : phrasal verb / ~で流す
・ sterilize : verb / 殺菌する、消毒する (Pronunciation is ste'rəla`iz )
・ mouth of the bottle : ボトルの口

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