Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Last Day of Our Meeting

Today, I went to cafe to meet my friend for conversation session as usual Thursday. My friend is going to get a surgery next week. After that, she and her sons are going to travel to Korea for a month. She told me that that was the last meeting until she comes back from Korea. After studying a reading book together, she took me to Korean restaurant. We had sundubu for lunch. Then, we walked around a university which her son is going from fall semester. On the campus, they were having clearance sale. Many university products were 75% off. My friend bought some t-shirts and key holders for her family.

After saying good bye to her, I stopped by at my bank to make some deposits. I said to a teller, "Could I put these into my saving account?" It was my first time to go to bank by myself. I usually go there with my husband. Hahaha. But everything went smoothly. I can go there without my husband from now on. The teller said, "You might be interested in it." He offered a new account, but I didn't understand how different between a current account and a new account he recommended. I asked him if I can get a brochure for it. I have to think about it with my husband before I decide.

 Today's Vocabulary
・ on the campus : 大学構内
・ put something into account : 預金に入れる
  ex) I put $100 into my saving account. : 100ドルを普通預金に入れた。
・ saving account : 普通預金、貯蓄預金
・ checking account : (小切手を振り出せる)当座預金口座
・ go smoothly : うまくいく
・ teller : noun / (銀行などの)窓口係、出納係
・ brochure : noun / 冊子、パンフレット (Pronunciation is brouʃu'ər)

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