Monday, December 3, 2012

Letter of Recommendation

Today, my writing teacher explained about letter of recommendation, which is a letter in which the writer assesses the qualities, characteristics, and capabilities of the person being recommended in terms of that individual’s ability to perform a particular task or function.
 When you get a job, get a scholarship, or transfer school, you might need to ask your teacher or your supervisor for letter of recommendations. She told us that a student asked for it one day through email. Because the student didn't tell her when he/she took her class and didn't reply to her email, she had to look through all the papers she had from previous students. She explained us about some cautions from a professor's stand point just in case when we need it someday.
 First of all, teachers usually can not remember students after the semester is over. If you know you need to ask your teacher for a letter of recommendation, you should try to keep in touch with the teacher; for example by giving a thank you card, connecting through Facebook, or exchanging email. When you need to ask for letter of recommendation, you should always provide your information such as your name, when you took the class, your grades, your episode with your teacher. The best way is by finding the teacher and ask in person. After meeting the teacher, you should send some your information to the teacher through email because teachers can easily recognize your name and face by face-to-face meeting. In addition, you should ask your teacher at least one month prior to the date you need it. It's because writing letter of recommendation is not easy work, but if you ask for it too early, the teacher might forget about it.
 I don't know if I need it someday, but it was a new information for me. :)

   Today's Vocabulary
・ letter of recommendation : 〔他人に書いてもらう〕推薦状
     ex) request a letter of recommendation from ~からの推薦状を書いてもらうように依頼する
     ex) A good face is a letter of recommendation. 美人ならそれだけで推薦状になる。
・ in person : 〔代理ではなく〕本人が直接に
・The president will appear in person tomorrow. : 明日大統領本人が姿を見せるでしょう。
・If there's something you don't like about me, I want you to tell me in person. : 気に入らないところがあったら私に直接言ってほしい。
・I shall come to present my congratulations in person. : 私が直接出向き、お祝いを申し上げたいと存じます。

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