Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve in Japan

My husband and I arrived in Japan last night. We had been enjoying our travel in Shanghai until yesterday. I was going to update my blog, but I was not able to access to my blog. I guessed that Chinese government doesn't allow people who are in China to access some sites. Thus, I gave up updating my blog in Shanghai. I'll write about our travel in Shanghai later.
My husband and I are staying at my parents-in-law's home now, and they are always nice to me. This afternoon, we received a potable WiFi device, which my husband is renting. It costs 750yen each day. I thought it is not too expensive, but its performance is very good. We were glad that its Internet access is strong enough. :)
My parents-in-law gave us a ride to my parents home. It had been three years since I saw my family. My parents looked older than I remembered. I felt how years passed because we hadn't met for so long time. After talking with my family, I took my family's dog, Chappy, for a walk. I don't know whether she remembers me, but she was really excited. :) After coming back my parents-in-law's home, we ate toshikoshi noodle, which Japanese people traditionally eat on New Year's Eve. :)
toshikoshi noodle

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