Friday, May 15, 2015

Josh Woodward - A Song

       Recently, I have uploaded my YouTube video, How to Make Bulletproof Coffee, and used one of Josh Woodward's songs, A Song, as a background music. This song is so relaxing. :))

Music - "A Song" by Josh Woodward. Free download:

Josh Woodward - A Song


A flower is a flower, it is just a flower, it is just another flower
It's not a moonlit night, it is not a skindeep metaphor
Stop trying to search for meaning when you know that there is nothing there
There is no grand scheme, just let it be a flower

Your life is just a life, it is just a life, just another life
If you search for the meaning, there is nothing there, there's nothing anywhere
You're just another bag of skin, you're walking blindly through the backstreets of the universe
But don't be afraid, because it's beautiful

    Everything is following a simple curve
    And you are gonna ride along no matter how you try to swerve   

    As pointless as it is, it's going to roll along
    It's going up, it's going up, it's coming down, it's coming down

Our love is just a love, it is just a love, just another love
A stimulation of synapses cause the dopamine reactions.. well, it's just a love
Stop trying to analyze your feelings and explain away the way you feel
Just take my hand, and let it just be a love

This song is just a song, it is just a song, just a pretty song
It's just a bunch of notes I play for you with a catchy melody
Stop trying to search for meaning when you know that there is nothing there
There is no grand point, just let it be a song

    This is my entries related to my favorite songs.

    These are my YouTube channels.

RINGO's Coffee Channel


Today's Vocabularies

・skindeep : adjective : うわべだけの, 皮一重の

・metaphor 【métəfɔ̀ːr】: noun : 〔隠喩の〕例え、象徴

・scheme 【skíːm】 : noun : 構想, 計画, 陰謀
  grand scheme : 大掛かりな計画

・swerve 【swə́ːrv】 : 〔真っすぐな進行方向から急に〕それる、変える

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